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Grace Hmong Ev. Lutheran Church 

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Grace & BHM
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Grace Hmong Pehawm Vajtswv Hnub Kaj:


Pehawm Vajtswv: 10:00 am txog 11:15 am.

Bible Study & Sun Sunday School: 11:20 am 12:00 pm.

Verse of the Week:

"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8



Devotion of the Week:
"Walk Through the Door to Heaven"
"[Jesus] said to them “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” Luke 13:24

"Maybe you heard that all you have to do is “believe in Jesus,” and you will be saved. And so maybe you thought that the Christian faith is easy. Just believe, and that’s it. But when Jesus describes salvation, he says, “Make every effort” and “enter through the narrow door.”

So, what is this door? And why does it take so much effort to enter through it?

First, you’ll notice that Jesus is describing a singular door. There are not many doors to heaven. There is one. Jesus said that he is that one and only door. “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep” (John 10:7). Every other religion doesn’t offer a doorway but a mountain of religious rituals and rules to gain their god’s favor. But because of the work of Jesus, the doorway to heaven has been swung wide open for all.

But why does Jesus describe this door as “narrow” and that many will not enter it? What does that mean? The doorway to heaven is narrow because no one who is puffed up with pride can squeeze through. Before we enter this doorway, we must recognize our great need as we go through the process of repentance. As we trust in Christ, our self-righteousness is deflated, and we can fit through that narrow door.

Getting to heaven is hard. In fact, on our own it is impossible. By nature, we reject our need to be rescued. But the Holy Spirit makes our unwilling hearts willing to receive Jesus.

Therefore, by the Spirit’s power, enter through this narrow door. Shed your pride and self-righteousness. Cling to Christ in faith and walk through the door to heaven.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for all that you have done throughout history to open a way for all to be saved. Now, continue to work a miracle in my heart. Lead me to believe and trust in you, so that I might always be confident in my salvation. Amen.





God’s Word for This Week:


Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

Faith-Life Keeps Watching for the Lord


"A 2011 Australian study found that after the age of 25, every hour of television reduced the viewer’s life expectancy by 21.8 minutes. (Yikes!) God’s warning for us all is far more dire than the old “slouch on the couch.” He says that by frittering time away, we could slide away from him and into eternal death. Conversely, how good it will be for those whom Jesus finds busy and watching for him when he reappears."

Baby Girl Rachel Lor


You are the child of God, you are wonderfully made, dearly loved and precious in HIS sight.  

Rachel's Baptism.jpg

Baby boy Timothy Lor

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14. 

Timothy Lor's Baptism.jpg




Circuit Pastors  Conference:

  • When: Septemper 12th, 2022

  • Time: 9:30 am - 2:30 pm. 

  • Where: Mt. Olive, Overland Park, KS


Nebraska District Pastors Conference:​

  • Where: Redeemer Hastings, NE

  • When: October 18-19, 2022





When: August 2nd - 4th,  2024.

Where: Clovis, California

THEME: “".



















Grace Hmong Ongiong Activities:

  • Grace Hmong Lutheran Church muaj qhia ntawv hmoob rau txhuas tus uas tsis paub nyeem thiab sau peb cov hmoob li ntawv. Cov uas tsis yog Tswvcuab los yeej kawm tau. Lub sijhawm yog 1:00 - 2:00 pm tom Grace Hmong lub tuamtsev txhua txhua lub Sunday.  Xav paub ntau ntxiv hu tau rau Xh. Soobntxawg Lauj (913) 909-3742 losyog email:   Ua tsaug. 

  • Grace Hmong Lutheran Church muaj kawm Vajtswv Txojlus (Bible Study Courses) rau txhua tus uas Xav kawm tsis hais Tswvcuab losyog tsis yog Tswvcuab.  Lub sijhawm yog 12:00am txog 1:00pm tom Grace Hmong lub tuamtsev txhua txhua lub Saturday.  Yog leejtwg xav kawm & paub Vajtswv Txojlus ntxiv hu tau rau Xh. Soobntxawg Lauj 913-909-3742 losyog email:

  • Grace Hmong muaj qhia Vajtswv txojlus (confirmation) rau cov tub ntxhais uas tseem kawm ntawv grade 5-12th, yog leejtwg xav kom nws cov menyuam paub txog Vajtswv txojlus, coj koj cov menyuam tuaj kawv tau.  Cov uas tsis yog tswvcuab los yeej kawm tau.  

Congregation Notes:


  • Ua Cov ntseeg tsaug uas sawvdaws thov Vajtswv pub rau John Yang nws tus mob zoo zog lawm.  Lub sijhawm no nws tsis tau lim ntshav lawm tiamsis tseem lim dej tawm ntawm nws lub cev. Txawm li notawd, cov  ntseeg nco ntsoov Thov Vajtswv pub rau John ntxiv kom nws tus mob zoo tu qab.  

  • Cov ntseeg nco ntsoov thov Vajtswv pub rau pawgntseeg thiab cov coj. 































































SuNday august 28th, 2022

Attention: Nomtswv tso cai rau cov pawgntseeg rov qab pehawm Vajtswv raws li qub lawm. txawm li ntawd los lawv kom cov pawgntseeg muaj precaution thiab muaj tej cai rau cov ntseeg coj lub sijhawm tuaj pehawm uake.  
Service : Public and LIVE Service at 10 am every Sunday!
  • Xyaum nkauj thaum 9:00 am.
  • Sunday School: 11:20 - 12:00 pm.
  • Hmong Class: Kawm ntawv Hmoob 12:00 - 1:00 pm.
Pawgntseeg mus saib tswvcuab:
  • Pawgntseeg kev mus saib cov Tswvcuab muab ncua cia [postpone] vim yog tus kabmob COVID-19.​  Tomqab tus kabmob phem no dua lawm mam li rov qab mus saib tej yim Tswvcuab raws li agenda. 

Grace Hmong Nkauj (Songs)

Tshuav Yexus - Npliaj Lauj
00:00 / 00:00
Vajtswv Yog Kevhlub.mp3Xh. Npliajsoob Lauj
00:00 / 02:58
Kuv Niajhnub Tos.mp3Xh. Npliajsoob Lauj
00:00 / 03:54

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"Thaum Koj muab rau tus pluag, yog koj qiv rau tus Tswv ntag, ces tus Tswv yuav them rov rau koj"

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done"

Pajlug (Proverbs) 19:17

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