Our Mission
"Rau qhov Vajtswv hlub lub ntiajteb kawg li, nws thiaj li txib nws tib leeg Tub los rau hauv ntiajteb. Tus uas ntseeg nws Leejtub, tus ntawd yuav tsis raug kev ploj kev tuag, tiamsis nws yuav tau txojsia ntev mus ib txhis. Vajtswv tsis tau txib nws Leejtub los rau txim rau neeg ntiajteb, tiamsis nws txib los ua neeg ntiajteb tus Cawmseej" Yauhas 3:16-17.
"Yog li ntawd, nej cia li tawm mus qhia txhua haivneeg hauv qabntuj no kom lawv los ua kuv cov thwjtim. Thaum nej muab lawv ua npavtixamas nej yuav tsum tuav Leejtxiv, Leejtub thiab tus Ntsujplig lub npe. "Thiab qhia kom lawv paub coj raws li ib puas tsav yam uas kuv twb qhia rau nej lawm. Kuv yuav niajhnub nrog nej nyob mus txog hnub ntiajteb kawg" Mathais 28:19-20.
Our Ministries

Grace Hmong Qhia Peb Hmoob Li Ntaub Ntawv Rau Cov Menyuam (Hmong Class).
Grace hmoob ntseeg hais tias peb cov menyaum hmoob yuav tsum tau kawm peb haiv hmoob cov ntaub ntawv. Txawm lawv yuav nyob rau lub tebchaws no losyog lwm lub tebchaws, lawv yuav tsum paub hais, nyeem thiab sau peb haiv hmoob cov ntaub ntawv. Qhov uas qhia rau lwm haiv neeg hais tias peb yog hmoob yog peb yuav tsum paub peb haiv hmoob cov ntaub ntawv. Vim peb yog Hmoog....!
Grace Hmong Cobqhia Menyuam Rau Vajtswv Txojlus (Confirmation class).
Vajtswv Txojlus kom peb cov ntseeg yuav tsum cobqhia peb cov menyuam rau Vajtswv txojlus kom ntxov ntxov thaum lawm tseem yaus.
"Nej yuav tsum qhia rau nej tej menyuam, thiab niajhnub hais txog tej lus no, tsis hais thaum nyob hauv vaj hauv tsev, thaum tawm hauv vaj hauv tsev mus lwm qhov, thaum nej so thiab thaum nej ua haujlwm" Kevcai 11:19.
"Tus menyuam uas yus cob qhia ua neej, nws yeej yuav nco ntsoov mus txog hnub laus" Pajlug 22:16.
Yog li ntawd Grace ntseeg hais tias peb yuav tsum cobqhia peb tej menyuam rau Vajtswv Txojlus raws li Vajtswv samhwm.

Devotion by Confirmation Class:
Devotion By Konmong Lor
John 4:24 - "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
What does this mean? What this means is that to truly worship God we have to center everything on him and only focus on him when we do worship him. We sinners can't make ourselves right with God but He still forgave us and sent down his only Son to wash our sins away so we have to give our hearts out when we do worship him.
What does it mean for God to be in Spirit? God is everywhere. He isn't bind to a place or time like we are because of this, we don't have to only worship him in church but we can worship him anywhere. Worshiping him can just be as simple as listening to His word or singing hymns in Church. So if we live our lives reflecting on the love of God, we would have truly worshiped him.
More Thoughts On The Devotion:

College Ministry
Cov tubntxhais hauv Grace Hmong uas tseem kawm ntawv rau hauv College thiab University.
Grace Hmong cov niamtsev (Motherhood)
Vajtswv txojkev hlub uas Vajtswv pub rau Grace hmong muaj ib cov niamtsev uas zoo thiab hlub Vajtswv haujlwm los rau peb cov txivtsev hauv Grace hmong. Thov Vajtswv pub rau lawv sawvdaws tsuas ntsib txojkev noj qab nyob zoo thiab txawj cobqhia lawv tej menyuam kom ruaj khov rau hauv Vajtswv txojlus. Amen.

Church Dedication Meal Preparation 8/2017
Ua Vajtswv uas Vajtswv pub rau grace Hmong muaj ib cov txivtsev thiab niamtsev uas hlub Vajtswv thiab siv zog pab Vajtswv haujlwm. Lawv khwv heev los npaj puas mov ua Vajtswv tsaug rau lub sijhawm muab grace lub tuamtsev fij rau Vajtswv. Thov peb tus Vajtswv uas muaj kev hlub loj kawg nkaus pub koobhmoov npluasmias rau lawv thiab tsevneeg.

Cov Xwbfwb nyob hauv NE-District (Pastor's Notes)
Zoo siab uas cov Xh. Mekas ob peb leeg hauv peb lub NE-District tuaj muab kuv installed los ua grace tus Xh. Thov Vajtswv pub koobhmoov rau cov Xh. txhua tus uas muaj kev hlub rau pawgntseeg grace hmong thiab rau peb cov hmong. Vajtswv lub koobmeej nyob mus ibtxhis. Amen.

2019 New Year Service Dec 30th, 2018:
Ua Vajtswv tsaug uas Vajtswv pub koobhmoov ntau kawg nkaus rau Pawgntseeg lub xyoo 2018. Pawgntseeg tuaj uake tuaj pehawm thiab ua Nws tsaug txais tos lub xyoo tshiab. Thov Vajtswv pub koobhmoov rau pawgntseeg thiab cov qhuas txhuas tus rau xyoo tshiab 2019 no tsuas ntsib kev noj qab nyob zoo thiab kajsiab lug. Amen.